Market Research for Tabella Card

Tabella, the #1 free Catholic app for parishes and groups, approached us about helping them with their market research to determine product market fit for their new electronic banking app in the process of being launched.

Over the course of 4 months, we led a comprehensive bilingual market research strategy using human-centered design to uncover product market fit for the Tabella Card.

We designed and conducted strategic interviews with 30 candidates in Georgia and Florida across 4 user personas to uncover their pain points, needs, and motivations.

The result from the market research found product market fit for a Catholic app to help parishes thrive financially and strengthen communities.

The key takeaways from the market research were:

- Catholic churches are struggling to provide innovative and consistent resources and programs for their Hispanic parishioners.

- Traditional methods of collecting donations are no longer as effective as they once were with fewer parishioners handling cash. (30% of churchgoers aged 35-54 prefer to use a giving app as their method of giving.)1

- Transparency is key. Knowing exactly where and how their money is being spent helps parishioners tithe more. (Among the 5% who donโ€™t donate to their parish, transparency appears to be the issue.)2

Tabella was created specifically to overcome these obstacles ushering in a new era of vibrant digitally connected parish communities.

With the power of modern technology to the service of the Church, Tabella offers a library of rich content to help parishioners grow in their faith formation enabling seamless communication in multiple languages to enhance multicultural parishioner engagement.

With the completion of this market research, Tabella will soon facilitate secure and convenient donations and tithing options with their electronic banking app.

1.Your Guide to Church Giving Trends in 2021 and Beyond

2.Catholic Giving Statistics: Getting to Know Catholic Givers

Video by Tabella


Plan 2040 Magazine for the Qualfon Summit