A Consecration to the Queen with the Crown of Twelve Stars
I’ve put off writing this piece for a while because a little voice in my head kept saying, “whatever you end up writing will never do it justice.”
Consecrating myself to Jesus through Mary, the Queen who wears the Crown of Twelve Stars, was the catalyst for one of the most profound spiritual transformations in my life, and I’d love to share that experience with you.
June 2020.
As the global pandemic erupted around the world, I decided to leave for Austin, Texas.
While there, I became close with one of the most unique families I’ve ever met, a devout Catholic and deeply intuitive true Mexican Texan family. Sharing Latino roots, I quickly felt right at home with them, and seeing that I was already strong in my faith, I thought they were shepherding me just a little closer to God through our Mother Mary.
I later realized that the next 4 months with this family, were to change my life forever, plunging me into deeper waters with my faith.
In this blog, I’d like to share what Total Consecration to Mary is and my experience consecrating myself.
Before starting this journey, the sister in the family warned me,
“Christine, this may be one of the most important and powerful spiritual acts of your life, but remember our faith doesn’t expel the dark nights of the soul. You’ll experience an immense isolating cold darkness after this consecration, know that this is the other side testing your faith.”
And, So. It. Was. Exactly as she had warned me.
Image by: Eugene Lagunov
What is Total Consecration to Mary?
Think of it as a spiritual renewal, one of the most humbling experiences that will elevate your heart to heights you had no idea were possible.
Marian consecration is a 33-day journey of spiritual readings and prayers around the teachings of some of the greatest Marian saints; Saint Louis de Montfort, Saint Maximillian Kolbe, Mother Teresa of Calcutta, and Saint John Paul II and their experiences of consecration to Jesus through Mary.
Every week you read teachings from one of these Marian saints, learning about a new way of life with Christ through the Virgin Mary.
The purpose of total consecration is to deepen your relationship with God through a loving communion with Mary, leading us to an intimate relationship with the Trinity; the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
Why through Mary and not directly to Jesus?
God uniquely chose Mary to immaculately conceive, bear, and nurture Jesus Christ, our Savior. Her blessed role didn’t end once Jesus left home to begin his public ministry. She was a central role in his first miracle when he transformed water into wine at the marriage of Cana, reminding us to strengthen our trust in him without hesitation.
Jesus also elevated his mother’s importance and gave us Mary as our spiritual Mother at the hour of his death, his Passion:
Next, he said to the disciple, “Behold your mother.” And from that hour, the disciple accepted her as his own. - John 19:27
Through Mary, we’re able to have a holistic devotion to Jesus and the Blessed Trinity. In the words of Saint Carlo Acutis, “The Eucharist is the highway to heaven. Love of Mary and the Rosary, is the shortest ladder to climb to heaven.”
How do I consecrate myself to Mary?
You can choose from a variety of books to follow throughout your spiritual retreat. I used 33 Days to Morning Glory by Michael Gaitley the first time I did it, but found it too simple and lacking in depth. You can follow the classic, True Devotion to Mary, written by Saint Louis de Montfort in the 1700s. As the originator of the consecration to Mary and one of the greatest saints of Marian devotion, I’ve been recommended by many to follow this one.
The second time I consecrated myself, I used the book Totus Tuus - “Entirely Yours” by Brian McMaster, and really loved the beauty and the depth of this book. Totus Tuus takes the themes of St. Louis de Montfort's book and incorporates the teachings and insights of Saint John Paul II, including prayer, reflections, and actions that will open your heart to Jesus and the Holy Trinity.
It’s recommended to start on a specific date so that you end your spiritual retreat on the vigil of a Marian feast day.
Deep Spiritual Transformation
What made my experience that much more powerful and intense were the people I did it with, my former boyfriend, his sister and brother-in-law, and my dear friend and roommate at the time, who is a devout Muslim.
The fact that I was doing this consecration with my boyfriend meant everything to me. I thought it was finally the beginning of a true spiritually deep relationship that I had been seeking for so long. Also, the fact that my sister in Christ, a deeply devout Muslim, would want to do this consecration to Mary with me, was both shocking and exciting. It was my chance to intimately share my faith with someone from another religion.
Over the next 4 weeks, we met at our house to talk about the readings and reflections, we prayed, read, ate, and played music. We shared, learned, pondered, and went through very high highs and very low lows. We loved, laughed, and cried.
Because of the uniqueness of this group, it was the most intense 4 week emotional roller coaster I think I’ve ever experienced.
At the very end of our consecration (literally 2 days before our consecration day) something very terrifying and sad happened to our group.
For personal reasons, I won’t share the details, but what I will say, is that I personally felt and experienced the devil in my home speaking to me and terrorizing me.
Remembering the warning I was given at the beginning of this consecration, I knew this was an attack from the other side. An attempt to distract us and take away from the most important day of consecrating ourselves to the holiest one after God, Jesus Christ; our Mother Mary.
He indeed distracted, tormented, and terrorized. But he DID NOT win over my faith nor my love for God.
For many months after the consecration, I passed through the darkness and isolation that I was warned about at the beginning. But today I can say that those dark nights are what pushed me to go deeper, to seek more, and to stay closer to God.
For those of you passing through darkness, obstacles, temptations, and challenges in life, remember, the final destination is not the darkness of the tomb, but it’s the shining light of heaven through Christ’s resurrection.
I encourage you to seek God’s word, nourish your soul with His food. You are stronger than the evil one, and you can overcome anything through our Creator because He is the one who cultivates the tree of truth in us.
“More than that, we rejoice in our sufferings, knowing that suffering produces endurance, and endurance produces character, and character produces hope, and hope does not disappoint us, because God’s love has been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit which has been given to us.”
Go Forth
For anyone considering the consecration to Jesus through Mary, I highly recommend praying about it. When you’re ready, do it, surrendering all of your worries, doubts, and fears in life to Mary. Let yourself discover the truth of your inner beauty as the human being you were made to be in the image of God.
Saint Mary Cathedral, Austin, Texas
This consecration is a complete submission to God’s will that is beyond human comprehension. It’s a guidebook that gives us the tools to take up our cross in life with dignity and honor through solidarity, service, love, and humility.
I think this blog falls short of the deep spiritual transformation this consecration can offer if you take it seriously. But even if it intrigues just one of you out there to consecrate yourself to Christ through Mary, then I consider that a +1 over the other side, and that’s enough for me to rejoice.
Prayer to the Sacred Heart and the Immaculate Heart
Adorable Sacred Heart of Jesus,
Which so greatly loved men and has not spared anything for
them, unite with the
Immaculate Heart of Your loving Mother, so full of
Merciful love, and together be my help, my comfort, and my salvation.
Sub Tuum Praesidium (“Under Your Patronage” -c. 250 AD)
We fly to your patronage,
O Holy Mother of God,
Despise not our petitions in our necessities,
But deliver us from all danger,
O ever glorious and blessed Virgin.
A list of mission-driven trailblazers to shed some light on the amazing Latino/a and Hispanic Catholic entrepreneurs I’ve been connected with through friends, networks, and circles I’m a part of.